Louisiana Ranked Top Maritime State in the Nation

Domestic Maritime Supports Nearly 55,000 American Jobs, Contributes More than $11 Billion Annually


NEW ORLEANS, LA – New data released today shows that Louisiana ranks first in the nation in economic impact from America’s domestic maritime industry. The American Maritime Partnership (AMP), the voice of the domestic maritime industry, joined with the Offshore Marine Service Association (OMSA); the American Waterways Operators (AWO); Sens. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and David Vitter (R-La.); and Reps. Steve Scalise (R-La.), Charles Boustany (R-La.), and Cedric Richmond (D-La.) to highlight new information that shows the state’s 54,850 maritime jobs pump more than $11.3 billion annually into the Louisiana economy. America’s robust domestic maritime industry includes vessel operators, marine terminals, shipyards, and workers engaged in the movement of cargo exclusively within the United States.


According to a study commissioned by the Transportation Institute and conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Louisiana also ranks first in the country in maritime jobs per capita, with one in every 83 jobs connected to the state’s domestic maritime industry, nearly twice that of any other state. Louisiana also ranks third in the nation in shipbuilding, according to a recent study by the U.S. Maritime Administration covering commercial and military construction. Shipbuilding accounts for 29,250 jobs and more than $2.23 billion in annual economic impact for the state.


Members of Louisiana’s Congressional delegation strongly support their state’s domestic maritime industry and emphasized the foundation of its strength comes from the Jones Act, which is critical to the military strategy of the United States and ensures the availability of a shipyard industrial base to support national defense needs.


“Maritime is one of the largest industries in Louisiana, behind oil and gas and agriculture. But we wouldn’t be standing here today to tout this economic prowess of the maritime industry in Louisiana if it weren’t for the Jones Act. The Jones Act is a jobs act- pure and simple,” said Sen. Landrieu.  “I will continue to do all that I can to ensure the Jones Act is properly enforced and Louisiana maritime jobs are protected.”


“Louisiana’s maritime jobs aren’t just important to our state’s economy – they play an incredibly vital role in our national economy,” Sen. Vitter said. “Our position in the maritime industry makes Louisiana a true point of economic strength. I support the Jones Act because it protects those jobs here in Louisiana, as well as our national security.”


“The American maritime industry is leading an economic recovery and investing in America’s waterways infrastructure,” said Rep. Scalise. “Waterborne commerce and our nation’s maritime base are vital to America’s economy, security and quality of life. I’m proud to stand in support of the Jones Act, which is critical to our national security and a public policy success story.”


“Louisiana shipyards build every kind of seagoing vessel from giant cryogenic ships used to transport liquefied natural gas to some of the largest offshore oil and gas exploration rigs in the world,” said Rep. Boustany. “Louisiana also builds merchant vessels, Coast Guard cutters, barges, tugs, supply boats, fishing vessels, pleasure craft and river patrol boats. The shipbuilding industry provides stability throughout the state, in the form of jobs, development, investment, and community support. I’ll continue to support the Jones Act and stand with my Congressional colleagues, determined to protect and develop the domestic maritime industry.”


“The maritime industry is a cornerstone of the American economy, and the Jones Act is essential in sustaining that vitality,” Rep. Richmond said. “478,440 jobs across the country and 54,850 in Louisiana are a direct result of the maritime industry and the Jones Act ensures that these jobs remain American jobs. I am a strong supporter of maritime commerce and will continue to advocate for an equal playing field in the industry so that it has the best opportunity to thrive here at home.”


Leaders in Louisiana’s maritime industry noted their pride in playing such an important role helping to support the nation’s booming domestic energy production.


“Louisiana is America’s lifeline to offshore energy,” said Robert Clemons, Chairman of OMSA and Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of SEACOR Marine LLC.  “More than 25 percent of America’s domestic energy is produced offshore, and the oil and gas industry depends on the more than 2,000 specialized vessels in the U.S. fleet to carry out seismic research, drill test wells, lay pipe, transport and install production facilities, and continually supply them with personnel, commodities, fuel, and equipment. Our industry is proud to play an important role in Louisiana’s thriving and robust domestic maritime industry.”


“Louisiana is critical to our nation’s domestic maritime industry because of its proximity to the lower Mississippi River, which connects 31 states through a critical 14,500-mile system of inland waterways. Tugboats play an important role in this vast port network, safely escorting and maneuvering large container, tanker, and bulk cargo ships in Louisiana waters, as do towboats and barges which move millions of barrels of petroleum products every month,” said Tom Allegretti, President & CEO of the American Waterways Operators and Chairman of the American Maritime Partnership. “Louisiana’s rank as the nation’s top maritime state is bolstered by the members of its Congressional delegation, which recognize the industry’s tremendous importance. We are pleased to call them partners in working to strengthen the industry so that it continues to provide critical jobs as well as significant national and homeland security contributions upon which our nation depends.”


Louisiana’s navigable waterway network of over 2,800 miles is second only to that of Alaska and handles more waterborne commerce than any other state, moving more than 500 million tons of domestic and foreign cargo each year. Louisiana is also home to the largest container port in the Western Hemisphere by tonnage and the second busiest port in the nation based on vessel arrivals. Across America, the domestic maritime industry includes approximately 40,000 vessels, supports 478,440 jobs, and has an annual economic impact of $92.5 billion, according to the Transportation Institute’s findings. The industry also generates approximately $29 billion in wages and $10 billion in tax revenues.

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American Maritime Partnership (AMP) is the voice of the U.S. domestic maritime industry, a pillar of our nation‘s economic, national, and homeland security. More than 40,000 American vessels built in American shipyards, crewed by American mariners, and owned by American companies, operate in our waters 24/7, and this commerce sustains 478,000 American jobs, $28.95 billion in labor compensation, and more than $92.5 billion in annual economic output. You can learn more by visiting www.americanmaritimepartnership.com.


Offshore Marine Service Association (OMSA) represents more than 225 member companies supporting America’s offshore energy sector, including approximately 100 vessel operators and 1,200 workboats, the shipyards that build and maintain them, equipment manufacturers, training providers, insurance brokers, law firms, accountants, and a host of other industrial and professional service providers that support the industry and connect America with its offshore energy resources.  This critical flow of supplies keeps the heart of America’s energy industry pumping around the clock. To learn more, please visit www.offshoremarine.org.


American Waterways Operators (AWO) is the national advocate for the U.S. tugboat, towboat and barge industry, which serves the nation as the safest, most environmentally friendly, and most economical mode of freight transportation. AWO members operate on the rivers, coasts, Great Lakes, and harbors of the United States, moving vital commodities safely, reducing air emissions, water pollution, and highway congestion, protecting homeland security, and providing family-wage jobs for tens of thousands of Americans. AWO promotes the long-term economic soundness of the industry and works to enhance its ability to provide safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible transportation. To learn more, please visit www.americanwaterways.com.