AMP Congratulates Chairman James Henry For Receiving The 2011 Admiral Of The Ocean Sea Award

The American Maritime Partnership congratulated its Chairman James Henry for receiving the 2011 Admiral of the Ocean Sea Award (AOTOS) presented by the United Seaman’s Service (USS) at the 42nd annual industry gala dinner on October 28, 2011.


American Maritime Partnership Vice Chairman Thomas Allegretti said, “Jim Henry’s strong leadership has benefited the American maritime industry for nearly 25 years. His work has been especially critical in ensuring the integrity of the Jones Act, despite significant assaults on it over the past two decades. As Chairman of AMP, Jim brings his extensive knowledge and leadership together to protect the American jobs and homeland security provided by Jones Act and the American merchant fleet. All of us on the AMP Board are proud to serve under his direction.”


James Henry has played a significant role in virtually every major initiative in United States maritime policy since he assumed the presidency of the Transportation Institute in 1987 and became its chairman in 1990. He played a particularly key role in protecting the Jones Act when it came under attack in the mid-1990s. Mr. Henry is also Chairman of the National Defense Transportation Association’s Military Sealift Committee and Chairman of the United States Maritime Coalition.


The AOTOS Award is the most prestigious award given in the transportation and maritime industry. Since 1970, the AOTOS has been the standard for American Maritime Excellence. Presented annually by United Seamen’s Service, this unprecedented industry event recognizes those within the shipping industry who have made significant contributions to American shipping and to American and international seafarers.


Other 2011 recipients of the AOTOS Award included General Duncan J. McNabb, Commander, U.S. Transportation Command, and Robert D. Sommerville, Chairman of ABS (formerly of American Bureau of Shipbuilding).